Our International Executive Director Tristan Hall and his family were invited to a special ceremony at Kibbutz Be’eri where the foundation stone of a new neighbourhood was laid.  Hamas sought to destroy this community on Oct 7th and committed countless unspeakable atrocities but this community chooses life…their spirits are strong and they will rebuild and grow. The ceremony was moving and uplifting but nothing had more impact than looking into the eyes of some of the residents of Be’eri and sensing their desire to live and love life in the same place that was filled with a murderous evil that I still cannot comprehend. It was a reminder as to why, with God’s help, this nation will flourish. They will heal, they will survive, they will rebuild, their kibbutz will blossom again and be a place of love and hope once more ... because this nation and this people love life and choose life, every single time.

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During March CFI Leadership including Tristan and Galya Hall and Sharon Sanders, took a trip down south to visit communities close to the Gaza border.

Our first stop was Kibbutz Be’eri where we visited with a friend of Galya’s whose family miraculously survived the Hamas invasion and massacre of Oct 7th. It was deeply disturbing and upsetting to see the ruins and devastation of what was once a lively community filled with beautiful homes. Instead we were faced with homes burnt to the ground and a real sense of the evil that ran rampant all over the Kibbutz that awful day. Endless posters displaying the names and photos of people who used to live in different houses, before their lives were so mercilessly and cruelly cut short by Hamas terrorists, fill the Kibbutz. Knowing what took place in those houses was very disturbing, to say the least.

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