During March CFI Leadership including Tristan and Galya Hall and Sharon Sanders, took a trip down south to visit communities close to the Gaza border.

Our first stop was Kibbutz Be’eri where we visited with a friend of Galya’s whose family miraculously survived the Hamas invasion and massacre of Oct 7th. It was deeply disturbing and upsetting to see the ruins and devastation of what was once a lively community filled with beautiful homes. Instead we were faced with homes burnt to the ground and a real sense of the evil that ran rampant all over the Kibbutz that awful day. Endless posters displaying the names and photos of people who used to live in different houses, before their lives were so mercilessly and cruelly cut short by Hamas terrorists, fill the Kibbutz. Knowing what took place in those houses was very disturbing, to say the least.

Our friend and Be’eri survivor, Natasha, showed us all over the Kibbutz and explained that there are currently just 70 people living back at Be’eri doing what they can in an attempt to move forward and resurrect the beautiful community. Every individual has a different path of healing – for some they need to return home and clean and rebuild … for others they cannot imagine returning anytime soon. We must pray for them all and trust the God of Israel to guide them and heal them in all ways. Whilst we were there we met a man who was talking to a group of visitors who had come to show solidarity. We only found out later that his wife was brutally murdered on the 7th October and his daughter remains captive in Gaza. Oh Lord have mercy … The community of Be’eri know that Christian Friends of Israel is here to support and love them through the difficult process that lies ahead. During our visit we were pleased to be able to deliver some practical items to help them and we will be continuing to assist them as they move forward along the path of restoration.

Our next stop was Kibbutz Nahal Oz. Only 800 meters of open fields, with an iron fence in the middle, separate Nahal Oz from the Gaza Strip. There we were deeply honoured to meet some members of an amazing believing family who survived the massacre of Oct 7th. They shared with us how Hamas terrorists were in their home, wounded and bleeding all over their furniture. They were actually sitting on a couch treating their wounds right next to the safe room door but by some miracle did not attempt to open the door. We were shown around the beautiful Kibbutz and were struck at the close proximity to Gaza. Tremendous suffering took place there on that fateful day and just like Kibbutz Be’eri, it will be a slow of process of healing and rebuilding. Members of the family we visited feel that God has placed them there and they are determined to play a role in the healing and restoration of life at Nahal Oz. We were delighted that CFI Team members visited them recently and spent the day cleaning their home and offering very practical assistance. Moving forward we will most certainly do whatever we can to purchase new furniture or any household items that they need for a fresh and clean start. Please remember them in your prayers.

Finally we stopped at Kibbutz Re’im and also the site of the Supernova Music Festival. Whilst we were at Re’im we met a sweet lady who is one of the few that has returned. She shared her story and her heart with us and was so open and warm. We took the opportunity to share with her about the work of Christian Friends of Israel and about all the Christians around the world who stand with Israel and pray for the Jewish people. She was greatly encouraged by this and so thankful. Arriving at the memorial site of the Supernova Music Festival, alongside Kibbutz Re’im, was a very difficult experience. Looking at the names and faces of those who were butchered to death was devastating….. 364 civilians were murdered at the festival in unthinkable ways, countless more were injured and kidnapped and the horrors that survivors witnessed and survived have left scars and traumas that only the Lord can truly heal. We paid our respects and quietly walked around trying to process what had happened in such a beautiful location.

As part of our War Relief effort we are connecting more and more with survivors of the massacre, families of hostages and communities trying to rebuild. CFI is committed and dedicated to serving these people and ensuring that they know we are here to be their friends, in the good times and the bad times.

During March we celebrated the holiday of Purim, a time of joy and rejoicing. Naturally with the war and the desperate plight of so many hostages… not to mention the rising death toll of Israeli soldiers, it was not the same as in previous years. Nevertheless, we wanted to do what we could to bring some joy and fun into the lives of regular Israelis.

I was contacted by a representative from the Kiryat Shmonah Regional Council who we helped before by purchasing and delivering tablets to evacuated school children. This time they asked if we could help them with a Purim party they wanted to organize for displaced families from the north who are now living in Hadera. Of course we said yes!!! We sent a CFI Team to bring love and laughter to these precious children and families and to let them know they are not alone but that Christians around the world are with them during these troubling times. Our van was full of mishloach manot (gift boxes for the children), Hamantaschen (traditional Purim pastries) for the families and a huge array of dress up clothes and accessories for the children and adults to have fun with, as is the Purim custom. Two of our Team were also equipped with face painting materials which proved to be a big hit at the party. The kids loved getting their faces painted and we were all so thrilled to see the smiling faces and hear the sounds of laughter from people who have endured so much. We have been asked if we can help them again next month when the holiday of Passover comes and have already told them It will be our honour to do so.

Thank you to all of you for your donations and continued support that enables us to keep moving forward with our War Relief efforts. We are so grateful to each and every one of you. We are a big CFI family – some of us here in the Land and you in the nations – but we are one family with the same heart and vision and together we are making a difference.

At the end of March I had the great honour and privilege of meeting and spending time with a remarkable lady, Joelle Ecksteen – wife of the late Rabbi Yechiel Ecksteen. Joelle does a holy and beautiful work supporting widows and widowers in Israel and we look forward to partnering with her in the future and coming alongside as many hurting people as we can. What an inspiring lady with such a warm and compassionate heart.

Thank you again for joining with us and we stand with Israel in the spirit of Ruth.

May God bless you from Zion!

Galya Hall, Project Supervisor

CFI Jerusalem

PO Box 1813
Jerusalem, 9101701


Email: cfi@cfijerusalem.org
Phone: +972 (0) 2 623 3778

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