Manolo & Maggie Sanchez

​Manolo & Maggie Sanchez
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We are Jose Manuel (Manolo) and Margarita (Maggie) Sanchez. Seventeen years ago, we began translating some CFI prayer documents into Spanish, and since then, we have been in touch with people and projects in CFI. Our first visit to Israel was in 2000, and the next was in 2016 when we had the unique opportunity to accompany CFI staff members to visit several Holocaust and terrorism survivors. It was a very touching experience for us.

We lead a team of brethren that love and support Israel. With this team, we created and maintained the site CFI Hispano with publications translated to Spanish aimed at Spanish-speaking Christians worldwide.

We have three adult children and four grandchildren. One of our daughters is part of the translators' team."

CFI Jerusalem

PO Box 1813
Jerusalem, 9101701


Phone: +972 (0) 2 623 3778

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