Our CFI Bridal Salon is open for different and interesting clients. One day we had the privilege of welcoming Esther and Ruth. They are cousins and both of them belong to the family of faith in the Land.

Ruth knew about us from previous years. She brought two dresses as a donation for our ministry and Esther was the excited one who needed a wedding dress! Both ladies had experienced great disappointments in their previous relationships with young men. After a time of tears they decided to trust in the Lord. Ruth had faith that God would bring their future spouses right to their home. After a while it happened!! Two brothers in the Lord joined the fellowship and attended the home meetings. May the God of Israel bless and protect these beautiful young people and their future families.

Esther and Ruth spent about three hours in our Bridal Salon. In the end Esther chose two wedding dresses because she wanted her mother to have the “last say”. Maybe she will use both gowns, because they will have the first wedding ceremony in Cyprus and the second, bigger celebration in Israel.

We also found a lovely veil, a bolero, a beautiful pair of shoes, jewelry and hair pieces for our “queen”. Indeed she will be the queen of the celebration and the new born family.

God is so good! He takes care of every man or woman who puts their trust in Him.

"Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man who trusts in Him" (Ps. 34:8)

Tiina Danilevski, Project Supervisor

CFI Jerusalem

PO Box 1813
Jerusalem, 9101701


Email: cfi@cfijerusalem.org
Phone: +972 (0) 2 623 3778

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